February 4, 2021
What are eLearning Devs and IDs reading?
February 4, 2021
What are eLearning Devs and IDs reading?
Wizard 33 posts
Followers: 10 people

Greetings all.

I am always looking for resources and things to learn from.  I have read some articles recommending books and unfortunately some that seem really interesting I haven’t been able to find, but I will continue to look.

Thought I would pose the question here. What are some good resources that you recommend? They don’t have to specifically be direct to eLearning or Instructional Design, but they obviously can. But if there is something that relates and you feel is interesting, I would love to hear about it.

So, what are you reading and do you recommend it?

Thanks in advance.

2021-02-12 13:11:36
2021-02-12 13:11:36

Thanks for asking this question Robert. I have tons of eBooks on these topics that have I referred to over the years. I keep reading blog posts on these topics from various websites. I am more of a visual learner so I am seldom found browsing infographics on eLearning and ID models on Pinterest. These days I am trying to learn the basics of JavaScript from a gamified app called Grasshopper because I want to learn how to use JS on Captivate. The next book that I am going to pick up is on ‘Design as Art’ by Bruno Munari to widen my perceptual awareness of looking at designs.

Ishan Mukherjee
's comment
2021-03-23 14:08:57
2021-03-23 14:08:57
Ishan Mukherjee
's comment

Thanks for sharing your information. I checked back for days after I posted this to see if anyone would respond, and I guess I stopped checking before you posted yours. I should really turn on my alerts so I don’t miss these . My apologies for the late response.

I appreciate hearing what people are getting into. I like to widen my knowledge as much as I can, so these recommendations are always helpful and appreciated.

Thanks. Glad I happened to check back in on this discussion. Would be great to hear from others, but this may be too far down the discussion list. I’ll check back again though.

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