My personal testimony of my first introduction to the Adobe Captivate experience.
Hello to my new Captivate family. I’ve been an Instructional Designer/Trainer in Higher Ed for the better part of 20+ years. My name is Porsch Fallen. However, I’m an enthused newbie to Captivate.
Before the unique paradigmatic invention of Instructional authoring tools, I used PowerPoint, Photoshop, Keynote, Flash, Fireworks, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, Quiz Maker, etc., and a host of other makeshift authoring tools to meet the demands of SME and stakeholders Instructional needs. A bit antiquated to say the least. But I always managed to complete the task requested of me. It was no way around it, Markups, iterations and developmental prototypes lasted hours. I have a Masters in Instructional Design, so I was well vetted and pragmatic at implementing Instructional modules like ADDIE, SAM, Action Mapping, Kirkpatrick, and Blooms 2.0/3.0…as my assessment tools of specific choice.
Fast-forwarding to present technology, I would have to say that today’s cutting edge learning technologies are the flagship of authoring tools. I’m a self-taught user of all Adobe software. The ability to “YOUTUBE” didn’t exist in my era. I’m not the book type of guy—-outside of structured and mandated educational best practices. I simply dove right in like a mad man and spent hours learning every tool and its functionality on each of the selected software’s platform. I endured major headaches 🤕for months at a time. But hey, it was worth it.
I’ve used Camtasia and Articulate 360 to create a few projects. And, I loved them both. But, I was immediately blown away when I stumbled upon the Adobe Captivate Software🤯. I’m sucked in by the engaging user-friendly platform of Captivate. Even more alluring and equally as impressive are the various forms of support to ensure Captivate success. The training videos, the community blog pages, the training webinars, certification opportunities, 24hr help desk, free downloadable samples, the no monthly charge incentives, and the ability to share testimonials such as the one I’m sharing with you now——makes me a true Captivate fan. So much so that I’ve decided to purchase the Adobe certified training. The infinite capability of Captivate has rejuvenated my spirit and made me excited about Instructional Design again.
Thank you 🙏🏾 Captivate!!
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