February 16, 2021
Learning Interactions That Work In HTML5?
February 16, 2021
Learning Interactions That Work In HTML5?
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Now that Flash is gone, has there been any chatter of when Adobe will be releasing a new/updated version of Captivate that removes all of the Flash-based Learning Interactions that still exist (I’m using the Captivate 2019 version) and replaces them with quick-and-easy-to-use Learning Interactions that work in HTML5?  I’m struggling to easily create interactive and engaging eLearning modules for my learners and would love to see the old flash-based learning interactions converted to HTML5 so that I can easily create some interesting, engaging and interactive elements.

2021-06-25 22:15:05
2021-06-25 22:15:05

I have been trying to preview my learning interactions in HTML5, but the slide just shows up as blank. So, I’m not sure that they truly are working with HTML5! Help!

's comment
2021-06-28 07:56:23
2021-06-28 07:56:23
's comment

They do work, but for some older interactions you need to publish the course and upload to a webserver to see the full functionality.

Be also aware of the fact that some older browsers don’t support JS as well to say it in a diplomatic way. Finally Windows11 will kick out Internet Explorer, but that is still the imposed outdated browser in many companies and administration.

2021-02-18 09:15:47
2021-02-18 09:15:47

I have been answering this question over and over again. The present Learning Interactions may be based on SWF technology but they are COMPATIBLE with HTML5 output. I have not published to SWF since years but those interactions do work. Please, did you try?

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