Hello again. I am working on a new project. I am trying to figure out how to change the slide settings to automatically play the MP4 videos. There are 8 videos and the black box with the start arrow requires the user to click the arrow to start the videos. Is there a way to auto play these please? I have not been working in Captivate for several months. Please forgive me if I am asking a question that has already been answered on this forum. Thanks. 🙂
Hello again. I have managed to get 4 modules built and they were looking good. Then, after making updates to them that the client requested and adding an ‘Open URL action’ to link to the next slide upon a successful completion of the quizes, which I added in the ‘Preferences/Quiz’ settings… There is now a problem with Module 1 loading in the browser. The loading icon keeps spinning and no preview image is loading. The other modules appear to be loading fine, but the first one is messed up somehow. Please see the attached screencap and try my links:
- https://lalaslearning.com/HTML/TradeFirst/Module1/
- https://lalaslearning.com/HTML/TradeFirst/Module2/
- https://lalaslearning.com/HTML/TradeFirst/Module3/
- https://lalaslearning.com/HTML/TradeFirst/Module4/
These links are simple HTML and I have no JavaScript running. Therefore, I have not purchased an SSL certificate for this website yet… Because there is no code to warrant the extra expense it at this time. Thanks in advance. 🙂
I don’t think this is related to your original question. So you get more traction on this question you should post it as a new post. Not as many people will see it when it’s part of an older thread. I generally don’t link one project to another like this as I prefer to let my course management in my LMS to take care of this for me.
The links point to a non-secure site. Just FYI. Moreover you never answered any question in the comments on the original question?
So sorry! I got it figured out. I wasn’t inserting the videos properly. Which means that I hadn’t inserted them from the ‘Video/Insert Video…’ option from the main menu. I just uploaded the screenshot of what it looked like when I just dragged the videos from the library. They didn’t play automatically and I had to hit the play arrow that you see on the screenshot. After inserting them properly, they played automatically.
Indeed, dragging from the Library will add the video as event video (which is an object),, not synchronized and with its control panel.
There are essentially two ways to play MP4 videos in Adobe Captivate, Slide Video, and Event Video (Interactive Video is really just Slide Video). You can add these two types of videos from the Media Icon in your Adobe Captivate taskbar. Based on you saying there is a black box with a start arrow, I suspect that you are using Event Video.
You can only have one Slide Video per slide in Adobe Captivate but you can have several Event Videos per slide. I would recommend keeping the number of Event Videos to a minimum because of the bandwidth issues that could result from loading too many videos all at once.
In the Properties Inspector for Event Videos, you will see an Auto Play checkbox that when selected should allow your Event Video to play on slide entry. If you set the Event Video Skin to None, the video will also play automatically on slide entry by default.
Slide Video will play automatically as it’s synchronous with your elearning project. Be sure that the On Enter action for your slide (under Actions) is not set to pause as this would result in the video not playing.
Can you insert a screenshot of that ‘black box’? On which devices did you try (Apple doesn’t allow Autoplay in many cases)?