I have a very large test (100 questions) with a number of hotspot questions for finding parts of an electrical system. I just got a call from a customer taking the test and they’re saying they can’t answer the hotspot questions.
I opened the test up (it’s been a few years since I made it) in Captivate 2019. It looks like the hotspot clickbox is behind the images. It won’t let me bring to front/send to back. Because it’s a question pool, the system won’t let me preview next 5. I think right now it’s marking everyone who clicks on the question correct no matter what they click. (Trying to pull this from my LMS right now.)
Has anyone experienced anything like this before? Do I need to rebuild these questions?
Attached images are of the slide as normal (can’t see fluid box) and with the image moved so you can.
TL;DR: Course was built using fluid boxes. Hotspots are unlocked from the fluid box, but behind them. When I create new questions, hotspot box is on top of the image.
Click boxes are not allowed in normal fluid boxes, same as highlight boxes. Reason: no stacking is allowed and both are typically needed for stacking. Why not use SVGs as hotspots?