Details repport in SucessFactor with an online course create with Adobe Captivate
My organization implemented the SAP LMS – Succes Factor. Now, I have to publish content in this new tool.
I have online courses that have been developed with alternation between content and questions. For example, my Adobe Captivate document has a few explanatory slides followed by one or two questions. Subsequently, other concepts are discussed and then come a few more questions.
I would like to be able to publish my content in the LMS and get reports in SucessFactor that will tell me pass / fail for each individual question. For example, I would like to know if question 2 of my project passed or failed by my learners. For those who use this combination of software (Adobe Captive and SucessFactor), to your know if it is possible to get these details in the SucessFactor reports if I configure my publication correctly with the SCORM standards?
An expert ofthe SucessFactor suite seems to be telling me that this is not possible. That the only management information I will have will be whether the learner has passed the course or not. Without the details of the passed or failed questions.
If that is the case, it is a very poor LMS. I don’t have experience with that one, but comparing with what I have seen in other LMSs, it is a bit improbabl:
- It is true that the complete score and passing score will be used to define if the course has been completed and/or if the learner was successful (depending on the SCORM version used).
- However each question has an interaction ID and the transferred information to the LMS normally allows to see the answer of each learner for each question. More reports may be possible.
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