Hi, I have added a quiz to my responsive project (10 questions, T/F & Multi Choice). When I review the quiz the project will not progress beyond question 4 – the screen is just not responsive once I select submit. I have deleted and added questions, rearranged them but the result is the same. When I create a new quiz project (separate from my existing project) it responds as expected. All of my question parameters are the same at the question level and Quiz settings level. AT slide level each slide is selected to ‘go to next slide’. Any suggestions as to why my quiz will not progress?
Did you ever find a fix to this?
helpful attachments but still unsure how to tackle this
Thank you. I have deleted and rearranged questions – even today I tried this again. Initially it froze on Q3 but for the last week it has been stuck on Q4. I can answer the question and select Submit but then nothing happens. I only have T/F and Multi Choice questions, no D & D. I had checked Andvanced Interactions and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Have attached some screen shots.I am thinking that the quiz is corrupt within the project as I can create a new project with just a quiz and it works perfectly. I may just have to link the primary project to a separate quiz project sigh…..
Advanced Interaction looks OK. What I cannot see in this dialog box are possible actions On Enter for quiz slides, but I suppose you don’t have any. I don’t see any advanced action on quiz slides. I cannot see if you have branching however since you seem to have a content slide before the quiz slides.
In the Settings: try to check the option ‘Allow backward movement’. You don’t need to provide back buttons on the quiz slides, but if you allow the user to go back to a content slide before the Quiz slides, you will have troubles if you don’t check that option.
Infinite attempts on quiz level makes not much sense, it can only frustrate the user since he could get in an eternal loop. You can offer a couple of attempts, but not Infinite.
There should be a reason, because it would be astonishing that only you have that bug.
You my use a corrupted theme, I don’t remember if you mentioned the theme you are using.
Try to use one of the packaged themes in the present version of Captivate. Create a cptx file with a couple of content slides and at least 5 quiz slides (BTW keep your questions and answers in a GIFT or CSV file for such testing purposes, will save time). Try this project out to see if you can reproduce the issue.
It is more guessing at this point.
Can you confirm that this always happens on slide 4 even if you rearrange the question slides? In that case it is not the question slide which is corrupted. Very little chance that not using Reporting is at the origin, I always turn it off when I upload to a webserver for checking out the workflow.
Check also the Quiz Preferences, Settings. Maybe insert a screenshot? Do not change the ‘Required’ option, because that often leads to issues, leave it at Optional.
You can also check the Advanced Interactions panel for the events and actions. Too bad, two types of actions will not be included:
- On Enter actions for Question slides
- Object actions in a D&D slide.
Too little information to give you the expected help. I really don’t think this has anything to do with being a responsive project. Did you delete any embedded objects on the Quiz slides? An embedded object is an object which has no individual timeline. Those objects are crucial for Quiz slides, all the functionality of the quiz slides is built in those objects.
I am confused by this sentence ‘ AT slide level each slide is selected to ‘go to next slide’. For quiz slides the actions performed after Submitting an answer are in the Quiz Properties and depend on the number of Attempts. It can be a Success action or a Last Attempt action. Depending on the bandwidth and the LMS used for the reporting, it is not always a good idea to change both actions to ‘Go to Next slide’. Much safer is to keep ‘Continue’ but move the pausing point near the end of the slide (with mouse dragging) but not to the last frame, leave a small time for the reporting to happen smoothly.
Recently I updated my list of Quiz resources in a blog. Have a look at the first category which explains the default setup and design of Quiz and Score slide.
Quiz Resources – eLearning (adobe.com)
Thanks so much for your response Lieve. I am pretty sure that I have not removed an embedded object. I had selected ‘go to next slide’ to enable the next question to be promptly displayed but can change the pause as you suggest. Thank you for the link to the resources – I have accessed those previously and found them helpful. The only Quiz preferences I have really turned off is the Reporting – the results do not need to be collectively reported. I guess my issue is that I am able to successfully create a quiz as a separate project and have it perform as expected. BUT when I create a quiz within my existing project it still stops at Slide 4 and will not progress. I have compared the settings for the two quizzes and they are the same. I am wondering if there is specific additional information that I may provide to understand my problem better.