Hello everyone,
I am so very excited that I have reached the level of Guide, but I have a one-million-dollar question: how do I get my 3-month complimentary license for Adobe Captivate?
Do you get an email from someone with the great news? Do I activate it through this website?
Here is what I was originally trying to post:
The way I think it’s supposed to work is that you will get an email at the beginning of the next quarter, which will be March (see this post for reference: https://elearning.adobe.com/2018/08/serial-numbers-upon-reaching-levels/ )
The way it worked for me when I reached Wizard level recently was that I did not receive an email. However, I posted here and Ishan responded and referred me to Avranil. I reached out to Avranil and he sent me the info to activate my license. Here is my post for reference: https://elearning.adobe.com/2020/12/incentives-and-levels/
So, you may end up having to do a little follow up work if you don’t get the e-mail automatically but everyone was very friendly and helpful.
Hope that helps!
Now, when I try to post I get a “duplicate comment error”… Sheesh!
Here is basically what I was trying to show: https://elearning.adobe.com/2020/12/incentives-and-levels/
I had the same question when I reached Wizard level.
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