December 10, 2020
I Am Guide Now: How Can I Get My Complimentary 3-month License for Adobe Captivate?
December 10, 2020
I Am Guide Now: How Can I Get My Complimentary 3-month License for Adobe Captivate?
Mykhaylo is a passionate educator and L&D specialist. He enjoys working on various instructional design projects that are meant to empower learners to achieve success in their professional lives. Originally from Ukraine, Mykhaylo currently resides in the US and is constantly looking for ways to grow professionally. Consider joining his professional network exchange ideas and inspire each other! 
Newbie 3 posts
Followers: 0 people

Hello everyone,

I am so very excited that I have reached the level of Guide, but I have a one-million-dollar question: how do I get my 3-month complimentary license for Adobe Captivate?

Do you get an email from someone with the great news? Do I activate it through this website?



2022-06-16 01:19:53
2022-06-16 01:19:53

I think you have to email them – don’t wait for them to email you!

2021-11-30 03:06:47
2021-11-30 03:06:47

a very frustrating process indeed

2020-12-28 19:33:35
2020-12-28 19:33:35

I have heard it takes a little while to receive the complimentary license. Be patient. Congratulations!

2020-12-14 16:19:32
2020-12-14 16:19:32

Hope this is resolved now Mykhaylo?

2020-12-13 15:10:47
2020-12-13 15:10:47

Excellent! I’ll just wait for next quarter then! I’m excited though. Thanks everyone! Great community on here!

2020-12-12 19:55:51
2020-12-12 19:55:51

Yeah, like Jeff I had to inquiry myself via an email, BUT note that the licenses are (or were) issued quarterly and if you didn’t reach the level in question by the start of the quarter, you may have to wait for the next.

2020-12-11 19:37:49
2020-12-11 19:37:49

Here is what I was originally trying to post:


The way I think it’s supposed to work is that you will get an email at the beginning of the next quarter, which will be March (see this post for reference: )

The way it worked for me when I reached Wizard level recently was that I did not receive an email.  However, I posted here and Ishan responded and referred me to Avranil.  I reached out to Avranil and he sent me the info to activate my license.  Here is my post for reference:

So, you may end up having to do a little follow up work if you don’t get the e-mail automatically but everyone was very friendly and helpful.

Hope that helps!

2020-12-11 15:43:55
2020-12-11 15:43:55

Now, when I try to post I get a “duplicate comment error”… Sheesh!

Here is basically what I was trying to show:

I had the same question when I reached Wizard level.

2020-12-11 15:28:49
2020-12-11 15:28:49

Hi – I’ve tried to comment on this twice but after I click “Post Comment” my comments are not posting.  Have no idea why.  I’m going to wait a bit and see if they appear and then will try to repost.

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