What methods or tricks do you use to check and secure the knowledge of the participants in the online course?
Do you only use automated assessment methods ( clasic tests)? Have you ever worked with an SME that personally evaluated participants?
The classic test or level 2 evaluation assesses the learner’s ability to identify the correct answer from several distractors immediately after or during the training. It’s well known that it’s not the most ideal way to assess a learner’s knowledge and skill, but it’s inexpensive and easy to implement.
Personally, if the eLearning is about changing a flat tire, the best assessment would be having the learner change a flat tire for themselves under supervision. Consider a program where you add level 3 evaluations to your training program. Level 3 assesses the learner’s ability to perform their newly acquired knowledge and skill back on the job.
Some learning management systems like Adobe Captivate Prime, and others, have the ability to automatically follow up with the learner’s supervisor after a set amount of time to survey them to see how the employee is doing with their new knowledge and skill. Check if your LMS has this ability. The real benefit is when the CEO comes and asks about the training you can answer with data that they actually care about as apposed to test scores which when the rubber meets the road, have very little actual meaning.
Hi Paul,
Thank you for your answer. I agree that the participant must somehow test the knowledge of how he acquired it. Personally, I like tasks that are not evaluated automatically, but by SMEs. In this way, the participant received feedback, along with grade of how to improve their work.
Forgive my ignorance, but what is it – level 3 evaluations? Can you give me more information or an example?
This refers to the Kirkpatrick model of evaluation. whether you know it or not, most L&D departments use some or all of these levels of evaluation. Check out this link to learn more about levels of evaluation: https://www.kirkpatrickpartners.com/Our-Philosophy/The-Kirkpatrick-Model
Level 4 is the hardest to achieve because it’s difficult to attribute increases or decreases in results directly to training as there can be so many other things that it could be attributable. To prove effective training level 3 is the best. It can be as simple as asking the supervisor if the employee is doing what they were taught in the training.
Very broad question. If you clarified, maybe the answers would be better?
I started using Captivate when I was a professor in a university college. For my courses I was both SME and developer which is of course ideal. And yes, I would rarely limit an assessment to the classic types of question, but I used scenarios, software assessments, and ‘open’ questions which I created using the Scrolling Text interaction (or a Text Entry Box) and checked/scored the answers in Blackboard which was our LMS. There may have been an initial score, but that could be modified by me. This depends as much on Captivate as on the LMS you are using, to allow this workflow.
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