Save the file as a template
Save the file as a theme
And What is the master slide?
I want to explain to beginners the difference between the three by the way easy to understand.
I would be grateful if you could tell me how to explaine. Thank you.

Your blog is the MVP, Lieve! Thank you!
Lieve knows all
Did you never read my blog:
It looks like even you are confused. At this moment:
- Never use a cptl file (template file), because it is buggy since several versions (especially if you include variables and advanced actions). If you need sort of a template file, use a cptx file, which you lock (in Explorer that is possible) so that it will be read only and the user needs to save a copy under another name. It doesn’t have much advantages over a solid custom theme.
- A custom theme includes Theme Colors, Theme Fonts, Object Styles, Master slides, Skin setup and Recording defaults. You see that Master slides are a component of a Theme, not a ‘third’ feature at all. I know that confusion is broadcast in may books, manuals and trainings but this is not correct.
Please have a look at that blog for more details. A Theme is different for a non-responsive and a responsive project. For a responsive project, Theme is different for Fluid Boxes and for Breakpoint views workflows. You can also look for a blog here in the portal where I offer a pdf with all blogs about Themes. It is labeled ‘Theme Resources’.
Whenever I offer a basic training, Themes is an important topic, besides Timeline, Quiz and Fluid Boxes (if asked for). When I am asked for an advanced training, I often have to restart with one or more of those topics because they are not mastered yet due to many causes.
I’m glad for your support in this comment.
( You help me over and over. the last time)
As you wrote, I had been confused by Themes and Templates.
By your post, I realize that it is important to understand the setting the theme.(I also learned that it is better not to use template files.)
Thank you very much.
You’re welcome. Themes are amongst my favorite topics, because they are not very well understood at all. I remember the beta-testing when themes were introduced (version 6) and we had long discussions with the developing team. Maybe that did lead to my further exploration of the topic because I realized what a big timesaver this could be for most Captivate users. Feeling sad that too much misunderstanding exists.
Two people clicked “Liked” on your first comment, before I read it. Maybe misunderstandings will decrease.
And I will use the theme effectively. I will also try to communicate correctly to Japanese users.