forced navigation for playback controls in captivate
Hello, I’m using Captivate 9 and would like to create a forced navigation using playback controls. Can I use an action when user clicks the next button from playback control (not a custom next button), the slides jumps to a specific slide instead of next slide? I appreciate any advice.
Have a look at this blog post, where I explain how to use a shared action for 5 toggle buttons, including the Audio On/Off and TOC On/Off. The TOC system variable will only work for TOC in Overlay. The blog is 4 years old, hence the embedded video is still SWF output. But the explanation is valid. I have a HTML5 version in this portal, but cannot find it. Some of my blogs have disappeared from my list, don’t know how many.
Hi Maryam,
Actually this is possible, but it require a bit of messing around with the JavaScript, and you would need to publish in HTML5 only.
Basically if you add the Execute Javacript action to your slide entrance, and change the number (in this case 2) to the desired slide number -1 (i.e. in this example you would be directed to slide 3), you can reassign the destination of the Forward button on the playbar:
document.getElementById(‘Forward’).onclick = function() {window.cpCmndGotoSlide = 2};
Absolutely, the best thing to do is edit the playbar as required using the Captivate Player menu, then any buttons that you want to re-purpose you can just add a new line of JS for each.
Using the ‘Back’ button will be fine, but it’s best to open a new blank project in HTML5 preview and use the browser inspector tool and console to find the correct ID’s for each button.
I find it’s much easier to test any JS this way before adding it into the actual project, as Lieve mentioned, you can end up diving down the rabbit hole otherwise, at least this gives you a way to test your scripts without affecting the project.
I may be prejudiced because I never use the default playbar since I never create a pure linear project. The progress bar for a non-linear project is confusing, doesn’t add useful information for the learner. Hence my preference for custom navigation buttons. Agree that it is possible with JS.
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