I have inserted widget “Check Buttons”, than I have inserted “Smartshape” to be as “Dialog Box” appears after clicking a Button as “Submit”! the problem is widget is “iframe” … that means always will appear in front of all other elements. but I want the dialog box appears in front of all elements! is there a solution for this problem?
Can you try changing to “UseWidget7 = 1” in AdobeCaptivate.ini file @location “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 2017 x64” and see if this works.
Hi Mayank_M
Thanks for your suggestion.
I am using Captivate 9 and tried implementing this. However its not working.
Any other trick?
Thank you! I am using Captivate 2017. It worked!
It Works but I am using Widget for Check Boxes. after this modifying I could not click the checkboxes!!!
What solution for Captivate 2019? I’m seeing the same issue.
I am also facing same problem.. Any trick to avoid this?