It’s useful to know this since you may end up getting your slide level audio broken down by slide or you might get one long file. Being familiar with the ways you can import audio will help you with each of these situations and save you a bunch of time.

Hi, I am having problems with syncing audio to a software simulation. I’ve actually gotten it to work based on this video.
However, when I try it with my project, it won’t allow me to move the slide markers. It says “You’ve reached the minimum display time for slide 1”. I even started a new blank project with 5 slides and have the same issue.
I assume this has something to do with the timing of the slide vs. the audio.
Do you have any ideas about this issues? I keep looking for information, but not too much on this topic. I get the feeling it’s so easy that people don’t talk much about it.
I’ve spent many hours on this, and can not find a resolution.
I’ve used Camtasia before, and did wonderful with that program. I was able to control video/audio precisely.
Do you have any suggestions?