I am presenting a short vocabulary builder. You are presented with an English food word, and you can then use buttons to display the word in Portuguese and separately play a sound file speaking the Portuguese word. You can freely move within the module.
I built this course using a fluid box design.
I recorded and edited the sound files entirely within Captivate.
The Portuguese words are contained in simple smart shapes which are initially invisible. Clicking on the ‘eye’ button will show the hidden shape. To enable users to revisit the slides I used an on-enter action that hides the shape with the Portuguese word.
Clicking on the ‘play’ button will play the audio file. For this button to work as intended (the user should be able to replay it as often as they want), it’s important to untick the box ‘Continue movie at the end of audio’.
The fluid box design took some experimenting. The first version of this course performed well on desktop and on medium sized portable devices (certainly an iPad mini), but on smart phones the buttons started to appear in random locations for no apparent reason. I wasn’t able to find out why, because when previewing the course in a browser it performed as intended.
A lesson I learnt was to publish a prototype containing just a few slides early on before building out a course.
The current version should work well even on smart phones.
The screenshot below shows the fluid box anatomy of this project.