In this Adobe Captivate Video Tutorial, I show you how you can use the fill in the blank style of question slide to create a single slide that contains several multiple choice question slides.
My rule of thumb is not to open up attachments in these situations. I don’t know what you are referring to, but what I can tell you is that Captivate isn’t really designed with printing in mind. Its primary purpose is to create content to be consumed online. While I sometimes come up with custom solutions like this one. I generally use Captivate in the manner in which it was designed for.
A question about the quiz foils.
Is it possible to put several questions on a slide and print them out after evaluation?
It should be random questions from a pool (always 5 pieces each)
Again, I added two screenshots.
Yeah, it works but space becomes a challenge sometimes.
This is actually a really great solution for several multiple choice questions in one slide! Have you tried it with longer answer options like sentences?