November 17, 2017
Webinar – Getting Started with Responsive eLearning using Fluid Boxes in Adobe Captivate (2017 release)
November 17, 2017
Webinar – Getting Started with Responsive eLearning using Fluid Boxes in Adobe Captivate (2017 release)
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Download the Workbook – Getting Started with Fluid Boxes in Adobe Captivate 2017

Adobe Captivate (2017 release) packs more punch when compared to its predecessors. In this webinar, you will learn about Fluid Boxes, a feature introduced in Captivate. The new workflow using Fluid Boxes allows you to create responsive projects more easily and works just right when the content is viewed across devices.

All you need are to add Fluid Boxes to the slide, and pick from the simple properties to flow, wrap, and align objects as per your requirement. You can also convert these fluid boxes to static fluid boxes to lock the position of the objects on the screen. Also, if you have any decorative assets in the course, you can mark them as optional, and they will magically disappear in the smaller devices.

Follow the steps as they are shown in the webinar, and see a breathtakingly, refreshing result!


Download the Workbook – Getting Started with Fluid Boxes in Adobe Captivate 2017

2019-11-15 01:09:30
2019-11-15 01:09:30

Thank you.  very helpful.

2018-03-30 20:14:59
2018-03-30 20:14:59

Hello- I just watched the webinar on Fluid Boxes. I am a new user, and this was really helpful.
I am stuck on one thing however – I followed along on my computer trying out the different features and functions, but I could not figure out how to get to the ‘enable uniform text scaling’ option. I added a few captions to the fluid boxes I had, but no matter what I selected, no option for this comes up. Can you tell me how to get to it? Many thanks!

2018-03-23 15:13:40
2018-03-23 15:13:40

Thank you for posting the video – helpful.

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