October 5, 2017
Showing a hidden button on 2nd visit to the slide
October 5, 2017
Showing a hidden button on 2nd visit to the slide
Newbie 1 posts
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I have this as slide 2 of a project and the Review & Lab buttons jump to other slides, and then those are directed back to this slide.  I do not want the transparent “Click here to skip to quiz” button to show until the learner comes back to this page a second or subsequent time.  Essentially, I only want it hidden on the first visit to the page, but any time the user comes back around to it, I want it shown.

Can someone show me a script that will achieve this.  I am rather new, and need to progress quickly with the projects I am creating for our LMS.  Thanks in advance!


2017-10-07 09:08:28
2017-10-07 09:08:28

Fine that you found a solution. I don’t like to duplicate slides for many reasons: it is screwing up all free navigation – by TOC or playbar, the slide numbers will be confusing, and I simply dont like to increase a file with unnecessary duplicates. This is certainly not recommended if you want to create responsive projects.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2017-10-24 17:07:52
2017-10-24 17:07:52
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Thanks, but it seems to be my best solution at this point. I appreciate the input and advise!

2017-10-06 18:47:34
2017-10-06 18:47:34

Never use the On Exit action when you can avoid it, sorry to tell so but it is not to be trusted, even when the last frame of the slide is visited which is not always the case.

There are several better ways to do this. Either you track the visits with a user variable. It can be a Boolean, which you toggle to 1 on the first visit. Use the On Enter event of the slide: first check the value of the variable, if it is 0 hide the button, if not show the button. Set the Assign to 1 for the variable in a second decision, after that first condition.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2017-10-06 22:29:25
2017-10-06 22:29:25
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Well, I solved this with an even simpler solution without using advanced actions. Even with your suggestions, I am too green with this software to set that up. I would need a screenshot of what to do in order to put it into action.

Anyways, to solve it, I made a duplicate of this slide, put it as the new slide 2, and deleted the “click here to skip to quiz” button. slide 1 goes to that new slide and the learner can choose the Review button or the Lab button. After either of those slide groups are complete, they are directed back to slide 3, which DOES have the quiz button access. Review and Lab buttons are directed back to the same places, but now the access to the quiz is there…in essence, showing the button. 🙂

Thanks for your input!!

2017-10-06 15:33:54
2017-10-06 15:33:54

I’m having trouble following your post but if it boils down to:
When user exits slide 2 the first time, unhide my “Click Here to Skip Quiz” button.

If I have that correct, then you can create your button and set it to hidden by default. Then, setup an ON EXIT Advanced Action so that when you exit the slide, show the button.

eLearning Guy
's comment
2017-10-07 22:54:33
2017-10-07 22:54:33
eLearning Guy
's comment

Thanks for the tip, Mark!

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