My goal was to publish two chapters for my e learning Test run. The First one should be a Quiz and the Second one a normal Information chapter that you are only allowed to begin when you finished the quiz correctly. I did not know how to give the information about the quiz to my LMS.
So it comes that I went to YouTube to watch one of These Paul Wilson videos. He did a live stream. I just asked and tried to use his hints. This First important thing was to change my settings under Edit/Preferences (Hope These are the correct Teams in the english Version). There is to find where my title comes from: Give the information about this project to “Another standard LMS”. Actually I use TalentLMS. Change a few other settings and I uploaded to my LMS.
There I just needed to tell my LMS that you need to quit my quiz successful and then you are allowed to begin the next lesson. FINISHED
Just one small Problem. In my settings in Captivate I said that the user have only one try. I finshed intentionally unsuccessful. But now I could not go for it. No repetition no continuing. Need to fix this No cool experience for a real user!
One more thing. Thanks for the awesome community. I did get so cool response to my testimonia.
Have awesome 172 rest days in 2017!