June 29, 2017
Message “Your computer is probably offline” upon clicking Assets menu options
When trying to access Adobe Stock assets or eElearning Brothers assets, you may encounter the message, “Your computer is probably offline”. This normally occurs in a restricted computing environment, where an IT administrator controls access to certain URLs.
This usually occurs in a restricted computing environment, where an IT administrator restricts access to certain URLs.
To access Adobe Stock and other features, the following URLs and domains need to be whitelisted:
- ims-na1.adobelogin.com:443
- adobe.com:443
- adobe.com:443
- typekit.net:443
- adobedtm.com:443
- cloudflare.com:443
- community-portal-prod-appdata.s3.amazonaws.com:443
- demandbase.com:443
- demdex.net:443
- tt.omtrdc.net:443
- adobe.com:443
- adobe.com:443
- twitter.com:443
- typekit.net:443
- adobeid-na1.services.adobe.com:443
- typekit.net:443
- *.amazonaws.com
- *.adobe.com
- *.brightcove.com
- *.amazon.com
- *.adobedtm.com
- *.typekit.net
- *.demdex.net
- *.brightcove.net
- *.zencdn.net
- *.cloudflare.com
- nr-data.net
- *.akamaihd.net
Also, whitelist the following URLs to access other Captivate services:
Accessing Geolocation | http://www.adobe.com/go/cpgeo |
Adobe Stock | https://stock.adobe.com |
Captivate Prime | https://captivateprime.adobe.com/ |
ELearning Brothers Assets | http://www.adobe.com/go/cp9market |
Preview in cloud.scorm | https://cloud.scorm.com |
Adobe Typekit | https://cctypekit.adobe.io
http://www.adobe.com/go/cp_typekit |
Community | https://www.adobe.com/go/ecom |
Publish to devices (PhoneGap) | https://build.phonegap.com |
To access Captivate Prime, whitelist the following:
- https://cp-s3-prod-us-east-1-user-upload.s3.amazonaws.com/resources or *.amazonaws.com domain
- *.adobe.com
- *.brightcove.com
- *.amazon.com
- *.adobedtm.com
- *.typekit.net
- *.demdex.net
- *.brightcove.net
- *.zencdn.net
- *.cloudflare.com
- nr-data.net
- *.akamaihd.net
For more information, download the Adobe_Captivate_Prime_Technical_Guide.
1 Comment
2017-10-05 03:19:22
Hmm good to know. Thanks!
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