We’ve all been there.
Our courses have dozens of images, animations, videos and other assets, which takes its toll on our computer’s performance and Captivate starts to struggle working
One way to get rid of assets no longer needed, you can cleanup your library, which will help speed up your computer during development.
Step 1 – Opening The Library
To open your libary, find the ‘Window’ menu on the top of the screen and select ‘Library’.
Your Library should now have appeared in the right hand side of your screen and a button will also appear labeled ‘Library’. This will be next to the ‘Propoerties’ button.

Step 2 – Clean Up Your Library
With your library now open, place your cursor inside it and right click.
You should see a menu by your courser and an option called ‘Select Unused Items’
With your unused clicked, now press the delete key on your keyboard.
Sure… everyone finds the proper work flow. Personally I prefer to close/restart Captivate several times, and keep the cache clear (except for the present project). Forgot to tell that I often use external Libraries as well for much used assets. I don’t like to clean up a project Library, unless I am pretty sure not to need those assets any more. Maybe I am lucky, not too much crashes for me.
Lot of users suppose (wrongly) that cleaning up the Linrary will have an impact on the file size of the published file, which is not the case. The need to clean the library before finishing a project is only necessary if you cannot afford a decent system. Personally I only clear the Library after finishing the project, and never had a problem, not even on a 5 years old PC.
Thanks for your feedback Lieve. It’s something I’ve done for a while now as alhough our machines at work are powerful, for some reason things seem to get slower with our big projects and once libraries are tidied it seems to help. Can’t stand it when Captivate does its little freezing/crashing sessions lol
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