December 21, 2016
An eLearning Community
December 21, 2016
An eLearning Community
am an Instructional Designer with 20 years of experience delivering training
for the U.S. Department of Defense. I am currently doing my part to infuse long
proud tradition and hard fought expertise into training programs that ensure
safe combat operations for this generation of KC-135 aviators.
4 posts
Followers: 17 people
am an Instructional Designer with 20 years of experience delivering training
for the U.S. Department of Defense. I am currently doing my part to infuse long
proud tradition and hard fought expertise into training programs that ensure
safe combat operations for this generation of KC-135 aviators.
4 posts
Followers: 17 people
am an Instructional Designer with 20 years of experience delivering training
for the U.S. Department of Defense. I am currently doing my part to infuse long
proud tradition and hard fought expertise into training programs that ensure
safe combat operations for this generation of KC-135 aviators.
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