In this video, I show you how to have two quizzes in your Adobe Captivate eLearning project.
Hello Paul I created a (2)branch aware drag and drop quiz (with the tutorial above that is great!) and it ‘almost’ works perfect..
When I get the first part completely right the results page will still say I did not pass and counts the full points of the project. When I only take the second part, it works like a dream! In your tutorial there is no test on only he first half correctly so maybe it is similar?
Have there been more issues like this or is branch aware not for D&D?
Thanks Paul. this is driving me a little crazy! I have tried it with a few sets of software simulation quiz questions and it works up to a point. For example, I’ve added Question 1 for Branch 1 and Question 1 for branch 2, and tested. Works perfectly. Then I added a couple of T/F and Multiple choice questions in both branches. Still works perfectly. I added another software simulation quizzes (one on each branch) and it failed. So I pulled out that last simulation and noticed I have some background images titled “background1(2)” I exported it and re-imported it back as “background1-2” without the parens, and added it back to the project. Then it worked! I’m wondering if the parentheses in the background image name is causing the file to be corrupt?
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