November 2, 2016
Tell me about your pre-production process
November 2, 2016
Tell me about your pre-production process
Group Technology Evangelist
Staff 44 posts
Followers: 227 people

AdobeStock_103125574 [Converted]I’m very interested in learning more about your pre-production process. I’d like to better understand how you handle the process of training creation starting with the justification and cost estimates all the way through the initial design and any collaboration you do with your team.

Are you using Captivate Draft, Adobe Capture, Adobe Color or any other preproduction tools? How do you estimate the cost of projects, time investment and the labor required – including SME’s, developers etc.?

I’m hoping you’ll be willing to share your stories, either in comments here – or via direct email if you prefer. You can always reach me at allenp (at) adobe (dot) com

Thanks in advance for any ideas that you are willing to share.


2016-11-29 18:43:01
2016-11-29 18:43:01

I love the idea of sharing our process with one another. As for myself, my company bills our estimates by project for the most part.

Once the project is approved, it comes to me for development. And, it should be said that much of our dev work as of late is creating content in-house, to alleviate the cost of third-party modules. That said, our goal is multi-faceted. 1. To save money. But 2, and I think more importantly, to increase engagement/retention/etc. And we’re doing this by way of heavily adopting the micro-learning mentality.

My process, however, involves a lot of ink! I am a sketcher! Each project I have, I brainstorm until I land on a theme, then focus on how that theme can be used to progress users through the training, and finally, I sketch the interactions. EVERYTHING is jotted on a sketchpad before ever opening Captivate! I find that this also helps with initial nuts/bolts reviews prior to dev so my time is spent more efficiently.


Adam Beardslee
's comment
2017-01-16 16:48:13
2017-01-16 16:48:13
Adam Beardslee
's comment

Adam, have you considered digitizing the process with say a wacom tablet? Do you find it better to have the notes laid out on a board or table to organize your thoughts? Just curious.

Adam Beardslee
's comment
2017-01-16 23:27:51
2017-01-16 23:27:51
Adam Beardslee
's comment


Thanks for sharing more about your pre-prod process. I wonder if you have any habits beyond the sketching. Do you for example start with learning objectives? What role does audience demographic play? How do the ideas of micro-learning and engagement go hand in hand. Does the micro-learning approach facilitate cost savings by making it easier / more practical to reuse content or approaches?


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