August 30, 2016
How to avoid newbe-mistake
August 30, 2016
How to avoid newbe-mistake
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Hi Y’all,

I just embarrassed myself using the E-Learning-Community for the first time.
Accidentally I overlooked a whole thread when I posted a reply to an question I came across here.
Why? Because I was not used to the fact, that replies to an existing reply are not shown on top level.
They are collapsed and you need to click on the line telling you how many replies already exist to show them.
Only direct replies to a question are displayed on top level.

Any answer made here is transferred to the Adobe forum as well.
That is a good thing.
But there it is displayed on the same level as well as all the other replies.
Therefore a mistake like mine can make you look like an ignorant dufus…

To be more clever than me: Watch out for these lines telling you, how many replies exist.





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