In this video I demonstrate my crazy solution to have a pretest count as a final test if successful.

I’m grateful that you posted this for us and that there is a way, but I’m shocked that there’s so much rigmarole involved for something as basic as this! Providing a pretest to allow someone to test out of completing a course seems like a very common need. Thanks!
I did say it was a crazy solution.
Its purpose is to contribute the missing points for anything less than 100 percent. Think of it this way. If I want you to have a score of 8 out of 10, there needs to be 2 points that you didn’t get. The tiny invisible button is those 2 points.
Very nice. I had a similar problem with a multiple answer multiple choice question for which I needed to provide different answers. I used similar variables and advanced actions. Nice to know it wasn’t such a crazy solution after all.
If it works, it works.