November 20, 2013
ANNOUNCE: Adobe Captivate 7.0.1 Update with support for OS X Mavericks now Available
November 20, 2013
ANNOUNCE: Adobe Captivate 7.0.1 Update with support for OS X Mavericks now Available
Group Technology Evangelist
Staff 44 posts
Followers: 227 people

A free update to Adobe Captivate 7, (Adobe Captivate 7.0.1) is now available for download and installation through the Adobe Update Manager. Users of Adobe Captivate 7 who are not using Mavericks may update from the help menu in Captivate. (Help: Update) Mavericks users may do so via the Adobe Update Manager or download the update directly using this link. Please NOTE: This update requires that you delete the Layouts folder before launching Captivate 7.0.1. (You should make a backup copy of your original Layouts folder following the instructions below.)

Mavericks Installation instructions

To install the downloaded patch, you must first have Adobe Captivate 7 installed. If you are using an operating system that is pre OS X version 10.9, you can just download the update from the update manager in Captivate.(Help: Updates)

Important: Before using Adobe Captivate 7.0.1, ensure that you make a backup of the Layouts folder and delete it.

Layouts folder are present at :
Windows Location: C:UsersPublicDocumentsAdobeeLearning Assets
Mac Location: /Users//Documents/My Adobe Captivate Projects/

Once you’ve downloaded the patch, simply double click the downloaded file to install.
When the installation is complete, you will see a message stating that the update is complete: Click Close.


Launch Adobe Captivate, and choose Help > About Adobe Captivate. If the build number is displayed as, then the patch has been installed successfully.

What about Captivate 6 and 6.1 users who want to update to OS X Mavericks?
We are working actively on a patch that is expected to allow Captivate 6 and 6.1 users to run their copy of Adobe Captivate on OS X Mavericks Operating Systems. We expect those updates to be available in November or December.

As always, please feel free to leave comments and questions in the section below.

2014-06-09 19:38:00
2014-06-09 19:38:00

This is a little late, but my version of 5.5 is now working on Mavericks. Not sure if it was because of a Mavericks update or because of a Captivate update. But I’m very surprised.

2014-01-08 02:07:00
2014-01-08 02:07:00

When I try to install the update to Adobe 7 on my mac with mavericks, I get an update failed dialog…..”Updates could not be applied. Please contact your Administrator…blah…blah…blah”.
I AM the administrator!

2014-01-06 07:03:00
2014-01-06 07:03:00

I cannot even open Captivate to launch the update

2013-12-13 01:05:00
2013-12-13 01:05:00

Okay guys. Its the middle of December. I need that Captivate 6 update.

's comment
2013-12-13 10:02:00
2013-12-13 10:02:00
's comment
2013-12-11 13:50:00
2013-12-11 13:50:00

Awesome!! Thank you My Captivate 7 on Mac works just fine, also it created a layout folder with 07 folder name. Thank you Adobe !!

2013-12-05 15:29:00
2013-12-05 15:29:00

Is the patch for Captivate 6 and OS X Mavericks available yet?

2013-12-01 01:00:00
2013-12-01 01:00:00

I will anxiously await the Cp 6 update / patch for OS X Mavericks, as Cp simply doesn’t work right now.

2013-11-30 07:10:00
2013-11-30 07:10:00

I think I am going to have a nervous breakdown now, the captivate 6 is no longer working and the adobe install wont work to install it either…this can’t be happening to just me…i have a project to finish

2013-11-24 22:15:00
2013-11-24 22:15:00

You have GOT to be kidding me. I’ve been waiting with bated breath for a month now for a Captivate-Mavericks patch so I can complete a project that is CONTRACT BASED (read “I don’t get paid if it’s not done”). Here is is the holiday season, and I am quite literally thousands of dollars behind in my income (and, hence, struggling to buy the Thanksgiving turkey, pay the mortgage, and plan for Christmas presents for my kids) because I chose to be a responsible computer owner and upgrade my Mac OS, assuming that Adobe would be a responsible software provider and do the same with its products.

Imagine how my excitement when I saw notification of the patch turned to dismay and now to ANGER that said patch still won’t work with my Cap 6. I’m even more disgusted considering that my Cap 6 isn’t even quite a year old, so it’s inconceivable to me that only the very most recent (as in more recent than the one I have by a whole two months) Cap has been patched and that– if I wanted to cave to upgrade my Cap 6 to 7 just so I could… oh, I don’t know… actually USE IT– I’d have to pay another $300+.

Good grief. This is unconscionable and just plain bad business (not to mention bad for my business). Could you all at least give me an ETA for the Cap 6 patch beyond “we expect them to be available in November or December…. especially since we’re on our way out of November into December as I type.

2013-11-23 13:57:14
2013-11-23 13:57:14

[…] [Update: Adobe released an updated 20 November. Details and download links here.] […]

2013-11-22 19:26:00
2013-11-22 19:26:00

We have some people who cannot update. From the Help menu, Updates is greyed out. For others, it works fine. Why would Updates be greyed out?

2013-11-22 17:57:00
2013-11-22 17:57:00

Hi, when will there be a full installation package of vera. 7.01 available. So for users of earlier captivate versions it would be easier to upgrade?

2013-11-21 17:42:36
2013-11-21 17:42:36
2013-11-21 04:20:00
2013-11-21 04:20:00

“We are working actively on a patch that is expected to allow Captivate 6
and 6.1 users to run Adobe Captivate 7 on OS X Mavericks Operating
Systems. We expect those updates to be available in November or
December.” Is this correct? Should it not be: “We are working actively on a patch that is expected to allow Captivate 6
and 6.1 users to run Adobe Captivate 6 on OS X Mavericks Operating

's comment
2013-11-21 10:11:00
2013-11-21 10:11:00
's comment

Ah – thanks Daniel, I’ll fix it now. It of course will only patch your v6 or v6.1 – it doesn’t have anything to do with Captivate 7.

2013-11-20 19:03:00
2013-11-20 19:03:00

It would be great to see the adobe team work hard to get the best for their clients. I’m captivate 6 user and I really wish to see this patch for the osx Mavericks very soon. I need to finish my projects and can’t do that until
now. Thank you

2013-11-20 05:53:00
2013-11-20 05:53:00

If you are on Mavericks, you should definitely just use this direct link to update your software. The Adobe Update Manager inside Captivate is slightly different than the CC update manager, so you’ll want to use the download link and start from there.

2013-11-20 01:02:00
2013-11-20 01:02:00

Anyone else have trouble using the Update Manager method? I have Captivate 7 and Mavericks installed, so I first tried the Adobe Update Manager. However, when I launched it, the Update Manager auto-updated itself to “Adobe Creative Cloud”. Creative Cloud then showed updates for two of my CS 6 apps but did not even list Captivate 7 as one of my apps. The direct download link worked in the end.

's comment
2013-11-20 02:48:00
2013-11-20 02:48:00
's comment

this happened to me as well

's comment
2013-11-20 20:02:00
2013-11-20 20:02:00
's comment

same thing here

2013-11-20 00:37:29
2013-11-20 00:37:29

[…] UPDATE: The update for Adobe Captivate 7 is now available. […]

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