August 7, 2012
Training: Advanced Actions for Dummies using Adobe Captivate 6
August 7, 2012
Training: Advanced Actions for Dummies using Adobe Captivate 6
Pooja works as a Senior Director of Digital Learning at Icertis. She has created several award-winning eLearning courses and authored books and video courses on eLearning tools and technologies. In her previous roles, she worked as a principal eLearning evangelist at Adobe and chief learning geek at a start-up. Pooja is CPTD, and COTP certified. She holds a master’s degree in education & economics and a doctorate in educational technology.
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Topic: Advanced Actions for Dummies using Adobe Captivate 6

Description: Join Anita Horsley, Captivate Community Expert, to learn how to make eLearning more engaging using Advanced Actions in Adobe Captivate.

Ever wondered how to allow users to click on any button, in any order, before they can advance in the course? This could be the case if you have multiple lessons that jump to other slides and return to the Topics Menu each time or you may simply have multiple objects on one slide that the user must click on before advancing. The webinar will demonstrate simple step-by-step instructions on how to create and apply Conditional Advanced Actions in Adobe Captivate.

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2012-08-30 14:49:00
2012-08-30 14:49:00

We created adanced actions, complete with scripting in Captivate 5 and when we opened the file in Captivate 6 the script for the screen does not work.
Did anyone face same issue in their projects?

's comment
2012-09-10 22:24:00
2012-09-10 22:24:00
's comment

There have been some issues with advanced actions in captivate 6. You should email your specific issue to, they will address it for you.

2012-08-21 00:13:00
2012-08-21 00:13:00

I am very excited to learn about one of best Captivate features.

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