I love being part of a team. There are few things in life more rewarding than pulling together with a group of like-minded souls in order to accomplish a goal that everyone agrees is important and meaningful. At Adobe our mission is to change the world through digital experiences. In the eLearning team we are deeply committed to the serious work of creating positive change by enabling creativity, educational experiences and making that experience easy and productive. Today our team is thrilled to announce that Adobe Captivate 6 is now available.
Simply put, Adobe Captivate 6 is a sensational tool. Years of innovation, evolution and experience have led to an absolutely amazing tool capable of creating virtually any kind of eLearning content with incredible ease. The hallmarks of Adobe Captivate 6 are genuine, powerful and effortless mobile learning solutions, phenomenal digital video screencasting, and unbelievable out-of-the-box assets including awesome interactions that work in Flash and HTML5, a giant library of hundreds of Actors to add personalization to your projects and jaw-dropping themes that facilitate rapid development so well, you might just call it instant.
iPads and Mobile, Here we come!
The eLearning industry has been aching for a solution that will facilitate robust and reliable delivery of eLearning content to the latest mobile devices. Support for iPads, Tablets, and other mobile devices is just a click away through Adobe Captivate 6’s hot new publish to HTML5 output. Captivate 6 now publishes natively to HTML5 as well as the traditional Flash and other output options. Not only does it output for seamless iPad publishing via HTML5, it also exports MP4 video to facilitate impressive Just-In-Time training.
Just add Content
Have a look at the incredible Themes, Actors and Smart Learning Interactions in Adobe Captivate 6. These phenomenal out-of-the box solutions facilitate a shockingly fast workflow. Better yet, it’s Captivate, so they are all customizable and extensible. No need to stop with the wonderful stuff in the box, you can add your own cutout people, and create your own fully customizable themes to facilitate the branding and template styles that work best for your organization.
The eLearning World’s Favorite Application Simulation Tool Just Got A Serious Upgrade
There’s an incredible surprise waiting inside Adobe Captivate 6 for you. We’ve added High Definition, native video screen / application capture, and we’ve done it with the eLearning savvy you’ve come to expect from Captivate. Captivate has earned a place as industry leader for a long time in the Application Simulation arena, but we didn’t want to rest on any laurels. Why not give a completely awesome video only solution for screen recording? You asked for it, you got it. You won’t believe all the cool features. The mouse remains editable even after the video recording. Output to mp4 or YouTube is lightening fast. A crazy simple editor let’s you zoom and pan with fantastic ease and adding transitions is a breeze too.
These are only a few of the marvelous new features in Adobe Captivate 6. Download a copy now, and let us know what you think. Feel free to join us on Facebook, or reach out to us on Twitter #AdobeCaptivate as well.
I’ll speak for myself – the subscription price that Adobe charges for the eLearning Suite is a huge bargain, in my opinion. I also subscribe to Creative Cloud (another great bargain) and I understand the complaint of those who don’t like paying for both, but when I combine to two payments for each subscription I still feel I am getting tremendous value. Captivate and Presenter do things for me that I would never be able to do otherwise.
I love the features of Captivate 6 which I have just started playing with on a trial download. My question is this: will there be an option with the new version of Presenter to publish that content to an HTML 5 format? I create elearning modules now based on PowerPoint presentations and would love to continue to do that but also be able to publish content that will work with iOS.
Cheers to Adobe from World Class Beer! We’re building our Beer U program around eLearning Suite, Creative Cloud and hosting it on Adobe Connect.
Hi Bob
In Australia:
Creative cloud is $62.99 (annual contract)
eLearning Suite is $48.75 (annual contract)
Total First year $1,340.88 (on annual contract)
Following year – renew at ANY price Adobe wants to charge otherwise no software access.
Not much of a bargain to me
Doug – In the US it is a little less expensive as I pay less than $1,000 a year for the subscription for the first year, but those 2 suites contain something around $3500 to $4000 of software if I purchase them outright. And while Adobe does reserve the right to increase the price of future subscriptions, I still think it’s worth more than I am currently paying.
Bottom line, Adobe makes both types of purchase available – subscription and outright purchase. Choose the one that you feel best about.
I’ve just tried to download the free trial of Captivate 6 to my iMac, with no success (installation error). I’ve been directed to the direct download page, but there’s no version of Captivate 6 to download (is this because it is new?) Any help you can give me would be appreciated.
I’m curious if they managed now to offer a stable product. Until now I had severe problems with all Captivate versions in stability. In 5.5 I had to stop using it, because of memory errors even though there where at least more than 2GB free memory every time this happened… Really weak for such an expensive product.
With the e-learning suite in mind, I know it was possible to ’round trip’ to other Adobe products if you owned the elearning suite (CS5.5). I owned the Master Suite (CS5.5) that had all the same products as the e-learning suite but I could not ’round trip’ from Captivate 5.5.
I have recently upgraded to the Master Suite CS6.0 and, this week I have purchased the upgrade to Captivate CS6.0. Will I now have the ability to ’round trip’ from Captivate to my other Adobe products (or some of them?)
Best Wishes
Thanks Shameer. IF you don’t mind me saying, that seems entirely bonkers to me. People who buy the Master Suite (me!) are your big investors. I have all the products in the Master Suite that appear in the elearning suite and yet roundtripping won’t work (as it does in other Adobe products)….Bonkers! Please fix.
Best Wishes
Christian, you do have the eLearning suite available today for $39. The next version of the suite will be out soon.
The value of most of Adobe’s Point Products (Ps/ Fl/ Id , etc) are set to $19.99. We believe the pricing makes it easier for you to make a choice- if you use more than 2 adobe tools, you should go for the suite or the creative cloud. Most key geos have the same subscription price. Please let me know which specific geography you’re referring to.
Hi Shameer,
I allready use the Creative Cloud but Captivate isn’t part of it. A subscription to an coming ELS would mean to me – am I wrong? – paying twice for most of identic tools (I also own Presenter since many years – therefore not a reason for ELS).
And we always talking about US$, the pricing in Europe (in my case Austria) is much higher.
Yes Christian, if you are an eLearning developer, you should possibly use the eLearning suite subscription (and not the creative cloud). The next eLS will include a brand new version of Presenter (a major update).
Adobe Captivate is priced at 17.99 Euros/ mo (annual plan) + Tax in most of western Europe.
Shameer, I know you’re not the one who makes the prices, but as I said to Jaryk below, not everybody earns money with eLearning.
For me as a Teacher (I know, there are an academic discount) who developes and supports the school website (in Dreamweaver), creates documents (in Indesign), videos (in Premiere Pro) AND eLearning content for our Moodle Platform (in Captivate) it is an expensive “hobby”. Right, noone forces me to do that, I like to do that, but my private budget is limited and it’s an illusion that my school would pay for it.
Two Suites with most identical tools blows up my options.
Christian, in-fact I am responsible for the pricing. So your feedback is valuable. We’ve tried to create our suites targeted at specific user segments. Our research shows that the number of eLearning professionals who also use Premiere pro and InDesign is v.small, and wouldn’t justify its inclusion in the suite. We hope that these outliers would be able to pick a suite, and subscribe to the additional point-products as and when necessary.
Well, Shameer, I understand your arguments. Hope, you’re understand mine. Maybe the number of people like me is very small but we are existing.
Put a “special ELS upgrade fee” for Creative Cloud users to the next christmas (or earlier) wish-list at Adobe and you’ll not only see children smiling 😉
Is the next version of Elearing Suite -VERSION 6? as it says inthe demo version of Captivate 6.
Also if you subscribe to ELS2.5 will you get access to new version without additional charges
ie is new version an upgrade to the subscription version of ELS2.5 Or is there a NEW subscription version for NEW ELS 3/6
For what it’s worth, I’m in a similar boat to Christian, as I am in charge of creating and maintaining all our unit’s training resources, including eLearning, our website, help sheets and documentation and brochures, so I would also like to see InDesign included in the eLearning suite.
I must also admit to being rather disappointed with the upgrade pricing, as we only purchased the eLS 2.5 license 2 months ago and as useful as some of the CP6 features look, we can’t really justify the upgrade price so soon after the initial outlay.
Hi Geogre, going forward, we will have more frequent updates to Cp, Presenter, and many of the other products in eLS. For individuals it makes more sense to purchase our subscription offering; and larger organizations and enterprises should evaluate our M&S offering. Both these provide access to all updates during the contract period.
Hi Shameer, thanks for the reply. I probably would go with the subscription if I could, but unfortunately I’m restricted by the University’s procurement procedures.
Still, I have to say that if the updates are going to be more frequent and you’re not going to provide a reduced upgrade rate for recent purchases, then I really think the upgrade prices are a bit steep, especially when we get charged more for the same product in Australia.
Hi Geogre, if subscription is not an option, please do evaluate the M&S offering. This is priced much lower than upgrades, and would be the best option to stay update with software. Would you like someone from sales to contact you and explain this option better?
Hi Shameer, Can I ask about release new version of Elearning Suite via your e-mail? I also wait more than month for release eLS, because I want to use dw cs6, fl cs6 and now cp6 too! Then I quickly upgrade from my eLS v.2,5 to new version (3 or 6?). The new prices of upgrades are sure not low, but I agree it! We are not fruit salesmen, we are elearning professionals (hope -:) and perhabse our job is little bit higher level, solvent clients, etc. Why so many people crying here? I live and businesses in poor country and for so revolutionary upgrade CP6 I have no problem to pay. oooh, sory for my language, I am not native English speaker. Have nice days!
noone is crying here. But not everybody earns money with eLearning. I’m a Teacher, even I get an academic discount, the new prices for Captivate are really high and I have to pay it for myself. No school which pays for me. I don’t earn money with my eLearning courses, I only “earn” – hopefully – smiling students.
I think it is allowed to “criticize” the new pricing. The old price was fair, the new one isn’t – that’s my honest opinion, and I think I’m allowed to say that because Adobe also advertise Captivate with my positiv reactions (from the Beta-Test) at the Customer testimonials side.
On the publishing page under advanced options in cp 6 there is scalable html tick box. (This is not mentioned in the Cp6 help.) (it is in the same slot as in cp 5.5 where There is “enable swf for conversion to iphone applications” was. What does this do ?
Does the publish to HTML 5 option allow ipad users to use pinch to zoom and other gestures ???
rgds paul
I’m a Mac user and so the export to HTML5 in Captivate CS6 is new to me yet it is VERY important and would be grateful for some ‘how to tutorials’.
I have just paid for the upgrade to Captivate CS6 and want to start using it straight away.
I have two goals:
a) Create captivate elearning courses that I can export from Captivate to iTunes as self running applications.
b) Create captivate elearning courses that I can transfer (somehow) to mobile devices so they can be delivered to people on their iPads, iPhones and so on. Was thinking dropbox would be good for this (see comment at bottom of this mail)
It would be really wonderful if the Captivate team would show me and others how to achieve my two goals.
Thank you
PS – Interesting thing just happened. I exported a Captivate learning course to HTML5 and got a folder with the HTML file + other folders and files. Tried to load all the files up to drop box to move to another computer and Dropbox rejected certain of the files. Not sure why that is. Wonder if anyone has any ideas?
Hi there. Sorry for the delay in reply.
I’m a Mac user and, as you’ll know, Mac users didn’t have a publish to HTML facility (from Adobe Labs) for Captivate until now. A great step forward with CS6……if we could find out how to use it!
When I publish a Captivate file to html I get a single folder containing other files and more folders. For example in the main folder, I get an index.html file, a project.js file and the sub folders, ar, assets, callers, dr, vr and wr. Some of those folders have sub folders. When I try to load either the folder which encapsulates all the above or drag all the files and folders to DropBox from Finder on the Mac, certain of the folders are rejected.
I have plenty of space on Dropbox (2 Gbytes) and have deleted any stuff I already had up there. It looks as thought I can upload the files (index.html and project.js) but not sub folders.
We are very keen to get our elearning packages onto iPad and iTunes so our customers can use them but having difficulty finding out how to do it. I would be very grateful for your guidance.
Best Wishes
Re my message below……it seems that it is not possible to load sub-files to Dropbox.
I should say that the aim of the game is to get my Captivate learning sessions onto my client’s iPads. I tried to upload the Captivate generated html5 files to Dropbox to see if I could download them from Dropbox to iPad. Quite clearly this is probably not the best way of exporting content to iPad and so I would be very keen to learn how I can export content to iPad (and other mobile devices). Can’t find any advice on the web and so grateful for your guidance. My reply below deals with the Dropbox problems I’ve experienced.
Best Wishes
Hi Shameer (and Lbown..below):
Have replied elsewhere also but here’s what would be good.
Ours is a very small company and we offer training – classroom training. Starting with Captivate CS5.5 we started offering elearning and what I am finding is that our customers, especially our overseas customers, are really hungry – very hungry indeed – for more elearning content. I now have two orders for elearning courses I’m having trouble completing on time!!! Success!!
We have just upgraded to CS6 and we aim to step up our e-learning programme and we can, looking ahead, see a time when e-learning could become a major part of our output.
Here’s the problem. I can deliver elearning to my customers but I have no way of protecting that content. My output could be copied, pirated, sold on, stolen etc etc. I can’t afford an expensive LMS at this time (unless you could recommend an inexpensive system).
What I (and almost certainly many others) have to do is find someway of delivering our Captivate content so that it can be bought and paid for by the customer. It strikes me that one of the best ways to do this is by selling Captivate content via Appstore or iTunes or something similar. The problem I face is that I have no idea how to do this and so I would be most grateful for your guidance in this area.
Best Wishes
Hi Richard, Lbown, The easiest way to achieve this is to run the #AdobeCaptivate output thru Phonegap. A clear step by step process for achieving this is detailed in Dustin’s blog post: http://blog.easelsolutions.com/2011/12/creating-an-ipad-application-with-captivate/
While this is for the earlier HTML5 converter in Cp5.5, the workflow holds good for the HTML5 output from Cp6 as well.
What I really use is the TTS function. NeoSpeech Paul in particular. However, my biggest gripe is that there isn’t a find and replace (other than export to word then import) for any text in the Notes area. I have 4800 slides in my complete training project that have to be individually scanned for product names when things change.
Does any one know if Captivate 6 offer Notes Find/Replace search?
Hi, I’m trying out Captivate 6 and I’ve just discovered that the HTML5 publishing doesn’t work for every question type of the quizzes: it doesn’t export fill the blanks, match elements and short answer. Are you implementing this soon?
By the way, I’m using the Spanish version and I can’t use special characters like “á”, “´0”, etc. This is a big fat bug!
Keep on working, this is going to be a nice piece of software.
Hello There,
With Adobe Captivate 6, we support Multiple Choice, True/False, Hot Spot, and Sequence Question Types. There is a plan to implement others as well and we are working on it.
I’ll check it in the Spanish version and get back to you. I’m guessing you are using Alt+Keys to enter these special characters right?
“minimal” Are you serious? This is an evolutionary upgrade!
Believe me, I’ve been working with the beta for months. I need to get some sleep, otherwise I would speak volumes about what has changed or been added (ah… but just quickly – full motion video which is on par with Camtasia, HTML 5 output for hardware agnostic mLearning, GUI revamp, really cool smart objects, new quiz functionality, etc.).
Just go download the trial and see for yourself before jumping to conclusions.
Sorry Shawn – I was referring to 5.5 being an upgrade with a minimal increase in feature set and functionality. In my opinion, there needs to be a more realistic pricing model that will encourage people to stay with Adobe. Captivate is not the only product out there.
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