Navigating from a question slide based on the answer chosen is not only engaging but also proven method of teaching a topic or a concept. Doing this in Adobe Captivate is very easy by using the power of a property for Answer option called ‘Advanced Answer Option’. Watch the video below to learn more and let us know your thoughts…
Great tip! I’d seen the advanced answer option but had been hesitant to attempt it. I have one question, though; how does the learner navigate back to the quiz? Does he have to retake the entire quiz again? My fear is that the learner will answer incorrectly on Question 5 and then have to navigate back to the quiz once more. Is it better to simply have a slide that is only viewable if the learner answers incorrectly, and if so, can he jump back to that part of the quiz?
Hi there,
Interesting tut, thanks! Instead of just going back to the original input slide, I tend to duplicate it and put it after the question slide, so if a learner gets it wrong, they get taken to the next slide, but if they get it right, they skip the feedback slide and get to the next question. In the duplicated slide, I also highlight the section which talks about te salient points in order to make it clear for my learners where they went wrong straight away, without having to re-read everything.
On a side note: reflux and reflex are two very different things 😉
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