In my last blog post, we saw a demonstration on how to remove the noise and normalize audio with Adobe Audition 5.5. We also looked how to get the audio from Captivate to Audition, edit it in Audition and then bring the edited audio back to Captivate. Now it’s time to look at all the possibilities of Audition roundtripping… So, sit back and view this short demonstration on Audition roundtripping with Adobe Captivate 5.5! 🙂
Please let us know if you have any questions related to Audition roundtripping by leaving a comment on this blog post.
Thanks for the post. I recently attempted roundtripping audio from CP 5.5 using Audition. I discovered that the “edit with audition” button is grayed out. My setup includes Captivate 5.5 and Production Premium 5.5. I do not, however, have a license to ELS 2.5 since. Can you explain why this feature is not enabled? or more importantly how do I enable it.
I’ve just discovered this completely infuriating omission (no round tripping). I really can’t believe that roundtripping isn’t available to us. I have the Adobe Master Suite and so don’t need to buy the e-learning suite. And, in general terms, whilst I think Captivate is good, it is lacking many of the features that are fitted as standard to other Adobe programmes. For example, automatic guide lines (as in InDesign) and things like the shadow and effects controls are really poor in Captivate. It almost seems to me that Captivate isn’t as highly developed as other programmes and yet it is a VERY expensive program. Blocking us out of round-tripping just adds insult to injury.
When Adobe are good they are good but quite often they let us down…
Richard Broom (new Captivate user)
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