April 7, 2011
Hot #AdobeCaptivate eSeminars and Team-Time Sessions Coming in April – May
April 7, 2011
Hot #AdobeCaptivate eSeminars and Team-Time Sessions Coming in April – May
Group Technology Evangelist
Staff 44 posts
Followers: 227 people

Over the past year we’ve been thrilled to present more than 50 eSeminars for thousands of AdobeCaptivate and Adobe eLearning Suite users and now we’re stepping it up another notch. What started as weekly eSeminars every Wednesday has now grown to as many as three sessions a week. Yesterday RJ announced that we’ll be starting weekly open sessions called “Ask the Adobe eLearning Team.” These open format sessions are designed to provide users a touchpoint with the Adobe Captivate, Adobe Presenter and Adobe eLearning Suite team. You’ll be able to ask questions, participate in discussions and get the latest tips and tricks straight from the source. I thought it might help to present a calendar for these sessions so that you can easily see what events are offered when.

You can click this link to sign up for any of the sessions that require registration. NOTE: You can make the above Calendar full screen with the little diagonal arrow on the upper right corner of the embedded PDF. You can also adjust the scale of the full screen PDF using the slider at the top once you go full screen.

We wouldn’t be able to offer so many great sessions and events if it weren’t for the incredible contributions of you the Adobe Captivate community. Why not take advantage of the comment section at the end of this post to share your ideas for sessions that you’d like to see.

2011-04-10 07:07:08
2011-04-10 07:07:08

A discussion of each Action in the PI. Example when to use it.

Also examples when to use actions in Advanced Actions (ie Assign)

How to build a simple widget

's comment
2011-04-10 07:39:17
2011-04-10 07:39:17
's comment

All great suggestions, thanks Alice. Also – there are a few how to eSeminars wrt widget basics already in the On Demand offerings. Just click the green button on the right to see the offerings. I did a couple of sessions with Rod and Tristan Ward using Widget Factory to build a basic widget or two, and i’m hoping to do one with CpGears as well. I’d also like to do one on building Flex based widgets, and then perhaps a widget Q&A kind of session, where we have widget gurus on hand.

Something similar with Lieve and other Advanced Action gurus would be cool – and i think you’re right i should set up some sessions focused on Advanced Actions and logical times and methods to employ them.

2011-04-09 02:56:29
2011-04-09 02:56:29

Fabulous fare for Cp5 aficionados! I hope soon we’ll see advanced discussion on using voice formatting tags in Loquando TTS option.

's comment
2011-04-10 07:40:46
2011-04-10 07:40:46
's comment

Great Idea Boon. I’ll have a look at that and see when we can add something like that to the schedule. There’s a lot to explore there, including adding custom sounds, speed, pauses, etc. It’s a great topic for a deeper dive.

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