People often ask me how I got such a clean cutout of an image in Adobe Captivate 5. The answer is that it’s pretty easy with eLearning Suite 2, because Photoshop CS5 and Adobe Captivate 5 work together to make for a simple solution to complex problems like that one. Sure, it’s easy to get a clean selection when all the background pixels are the same color, but what do you do when you need to clip a foreground object or figure and the subject and the background are far more complex? In the video below I demonstrate how to use the tools in Adobe eLearning Suite to refine a selection in Photoshop, remove the background, save it as a transparent background image, and then import the clean image into Adobe Captivate. Just to tie things up with a ribbon, I then show you how to optimize the alpha layered image to display well in your finished Captivate project and how to adjust the display timing of the slide.
March 7, 2011
eLearning Suite & Photoshop CS5 – Getting super clean edges on alpha objects