October 14, 2010
Captivate Roadshow – Oct 25-29, Nov 1-2
October 14, 2010
Captivate Roadshow – Oct 25-29, Nov 1-2
Staff 2 posts
Followers: 24 people

We are doing a Captivate/eLearning Roadshow in the week of Oct 25-29 and Nov 1-2, 2010.

Locations – US East Coast (NYC, DC, …) and Bay Area (SF, San Jose, …). Do let us know if you are not in these areas, we will try and accommodate a slot to visit you.

Our Agenda for the meeting will be:

– Take our users through a sneak-peek of what to expect in the future from Captivate and eLearning Suite

– Understand your workflows/concerns better and tailor solutions into our roadmap

– Deep dive (beyond Captivate 5) and suggest best practices to optimize your existing workflows

– Help set up a direct communication channel with the Adobe product team

Please leave a comment on this post if you would like to meet us.  Look forward to our discussions!

2010-11-04 05:19:51
2010-11-04 05:19:51

Travelers Insurance has a large team of developers in St. Paul, and we’d definitely benefit from a visit. Contact me for information, I can get you in touch with the training network coordinators 🙂

2010-11-03 22:18:21
2010-11-03 22:18:21

How about and advanced roadshow in Chicago? We are centrally located.

Thank you,


2010-10-29 19:28:30
2010-10-29 19:28:30

Fantastic opportunity to meet and talk about what I’m doing with Captivate. Akshay and Shameer – thanks for taking the time to meet!

2010-10-26 00:19:36
2010-10-26 00:19:36

Can anybody let me know if the 2 hour online presentation will be available for viewing after the fact? I don’t think I can participate tomorrow morning! 🙁 Thanks!

2010-10-26 00:05:17
2010-10-26 00:05:17

I may be able to host one in Los Angeles.

2010-10-23 01:12:57
2010-10-23 01:12:57

I would like to arrange a visit with my team in Atlanta. Tuesday morning is the best time for us.

2010-10-23 00:15:50
2010-10-23 00:15:50


We tried to get Akshay to come to Atlanta, but it wasn’t possible logistically.

But we got the next best thing – Akshay has organised to do a 2 hour online presentation for us!!! Check out the details here



2010-10-21 17:45:15
2010-10-21 17:45:15

I agree with the first comment — come to Atlanta! You are sure to get lots of attendees here. Plus, we would love to hear what you have to say about Captivate.

2010-10-20 23:28:51
2010-10-20 23:28:51

Ann Arbor or Detroit would be encouraged!

2010-10-20 01:49:45
2010-10-20 01:49:45

Definitely would love Pittsburgh!

2010-10-20 01:40:48
2010-10-20 01:40:48

We are located in Youngstown, Ohio but we would head to Pittsburgh or Cleveland if you made a stop there!

2010-10-20 01:10:37
2010-10-20 01:10:37

My colleague and I are interested in attending the DC event. How can we get more information or set up an appointment?

2010-10-19 23:52:09
2010-10-19 23:52:09

I’d love to meet, but I’m in Los Angeles. However, I’ll be up in San Francisco for DevLearn on Nov. 4 (one day only). If we could meet then, that would be super.

's comment
2010-10-21 05:36:52
2010-10-21 05:36:52
's comment

Jennifer, I’ll be there (Allen) with Akshay and Nipun. You can find us on the show floor at the expo on Wednesday and Thursday. We’ll be doing a bunch of short demos throughout both days. Introduce yourself if you happen to stop by.

2010-10-19 23:44:34
2010-10-19 23:44:34

I’m an IT trainer for a large association in the DC area (Bethesda, MD). We have a large educational component, if you’re interested.

2010-10-19 19:24:02
2010-10-19 19:24:02

I’d like to vote for a stop in the Twin Cities, thanks!

2010-10-19 16:19:37
2010-10-19 16:19:37

It would be great if you could include Boston. I have a lot of questions and experiences with Cap 5 that I like to share with Adobe.

2010-10-19 16:06:07
2010-10-19 16:06:07

I would like to arrange a visit with my team in NYC. Monday afternoon is the best time for us.

2010-10-19 11:37:04
2010-10-19 11:37:04


I am in Sacramento, CA and would love for you to come our here at our local ASTD center. Bay Area gets all the fun stuff and we should have a chance too .


2010-10-19 01:55:33
2010-10-19 01:55:33

Can you share or email the details for the bay area session?
I would like for us at Oracle to participate. Thanks!

2010-10-16 10:51:51
2010-10-16 10:51:51

Sally Cox and I are manage an Adobe User Group in San Jose, CA that would love to tell our 840+ members about Captivate, and participate in any way we can!

2010-10-16 02:50:27
2010-10-16 02:50:27

Would love a stop in Spokane (but would settle for Seattle) while you’re on the West Coast!

2010-10-16 00:38:31
2010-10-16 00:38:31

Come to Boston! it’s the educational factory outlet of the world.

2010-10-15 17:18:31
2010-10-15 17:18:31

Can you schedule a roadshow in Chicago sometime?

2010-10-15 04:16:17
2010-10-15 04:16:17

In DC, and would be very interested in learning more about Captivate through the roadshow!


2010-10-15 03:09:57
2010-10-15 03:09:57

I’ve been trying to get somebody just to do a focused virtual demo for us as we launch a new eLearning initiative and can’t get anyone to return my calls.

's comment
2010-10-15 20:26:49
2010-10-15 20:26:49
's comment

You can email me directly at allenp (at) adobe (dot) com to set something up.

2010-10-15 00:47:24
2010-10-15 00:47:24

How do the roadshows work? Are they lots of private events, or are the gatherings public?

If public, where in SFBay area will you be?

's comment
2010-10-15 02:43:39
2010-10-15 02:43:39
's comment

Lots of visits with customers – it gives us a chance to meet people using Captivate and eLearning Suite and better understand their needs, workflows etc.

2010-10-14 22:40:39
2010-10-14 22:40:39

I agree with the last post. There are a lot of ID folks in Pittsburgh using Captivate, we sure hope you will add us to this tour.

's comment
2010-10-15 02:46:09
2010-10-15 02:46:09
's comment

If the Pittsburgh gang wants to gather – I actually live very nearby. It’s totally viable for us to have a group meeting or something. The guys are going to Washington this time, but i’ll definitely encourage them to swing a little further over the next time they visit.

's comment
2010-10-15 18:06:40
2010-10-15 18:06:40
's comment

A group meeting in Pittsburgh would be awesome! Depending on the number of attendees my office may be able to accomodate the meeting. We have a “classroom” that we’ve used for group meetings in the past.

's comment
2010-10-27 01:35:08
2010-10-27 01:35:08
's comment

There is an Adobe eLearning User user group that meet on Carnegie Mellon university’s campus in Oakland (Pittsburgh)… maybe they’d host something for you all to come to?

I can put you in touch with them if you want… let me know

2010-10-14 22:10:09
2010-10-14 22:10:09

You should swing by Portland, OR while you’re on the West Coast….

2010-10-14 20:39:42
2010-10-14 20:39:42

I vote for a stop in PIttsburgh too. I would love to go to the road show and learn!

2010-10-14 19:40:25
2010-10-14 19:40:25

With all of the tech developed in Pittsburgh, you would be sure to be a success if you planned one for the Steeler Nation. 🙂

2010-10-14 19:00:13
2010-10-14 19:00:13

I am sure that you will have a full house if you include Atlanta, GA.

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