Now, you can help in building a better Captivate by just using it. This is a new channel for customers to provide feedback to the captivate team. All you have to do is, Go to Help -> Adobe Product Improvement Program and choose “Yes, Participate”.
The Adobe Product Improvement Program will yield valuable information about how customers use and interact with Captivate. The program is voluntary and anonymous.
Customers who choose to participate agree to share:
- System information, such as operating system, processor, locale, browser information and memory installed
- Captivate features usage information.
No personal information is collected and the collected information follows the terms described in the Adobe privacy policy.
Basically, when you agree to participate,
- Information about how you’re using the product, for example, how you use certain features and functions like Object Style Manager, Slide Video are sent to Adobe, but no personal information is collected — it is 100% anonymous.
- Participating will not affect user experience or performance of Captivate and will be virtually invisible to you. When you close Captivate, the collected information is sent to Adobe (no 3rd party is involved)
By default, you are not participated in the improvement program.
If you haven’t given a preference, the Adobe Product Improvement Program Dialog pops up in the fifth launch of Captivate. You can either give a preference or ignore it.
The information collected will be used to better understand how customers use Captivate and helps in building a better Captivate for the customers moving forward as the years pass by.
Well I would like to see saving selections to more than one place, folder or drive at the same time. this would save time and key strokes and reduce the chance of losing a file or easy to get another copy from more than one source. Also, would LOVE to be able to select more than one object at a time with magic wand to change shape or color, or erase all at once to save time and key strokes and inspire creative thinking of the box and spur on the inspiration so we can see whats never been seen before by u and us. thank you for my code and for ur product. keeps me from selling drugs on street corner. LOL I think I mwill have another idea soon so watch out. Again Thank You so much for my art outlet.
Captivate 5 embeded in flash, on UILoader.
when loading captivate 5 movie in flash
ReferenceError: Error #1065: No se ha definido la variable CPPreloader.
after you click out of of captivate movie, error is persistent.
incrementWait = 1
incrementWait = 2
decrementWait = 1
incrementWait = 2
decrementWait = 1
done frame2 false
loaded shared defintions
decrementWait = 0
PPT SWF Frame: 0
Captivate AS3
PPT SWF Frame: 0
Captivate AS3
PPT SWF Frame: 0
PPT Frame 1 has scripts
PPT SWF Frame: 0
PPT SWF Frame: 0
ReferenceError: Error #1065: No se ha definido la variable CPPreloader.
incrementWait = 1
incrementWait = 2
decrementWait = 1
done frame2 false
loaded shared defintions
decrementWait = 0
incrementWait = 1
decrementWait = 0
PPT SWF Frame: 0
PPT SWF Frame: 0
PPT SWF Frame: 0
PPT SWF Frame: 0
TypeError: Error #1009: No se puede acceder a una propiedad o a un método de una referencia a un objeto nulo.
at captivate.veela_as3::rdClickHandler/MouseInPlaybar()
at captivate.veela_as3::rdClickHandler/CheckAllClicksDown()
at captivate.veela_as3::rdClickHandler/onMousePress()
TypeError: Error #1009: No se puede acceder a una propiedad o a un método de una referencia a un objeto nulo.
at captivate.veela_as3::rdClickHandler/MouseInPlaybar()
at captivate.veela_as3::rdClickHandler/CheckAllClicksUp()
at captivate.veela_as3::rdClickHandler/onMouseRelease()
TypeError: Error #1009: No se puede acceder a una propiedad o a un método de una referencia a un objeto nulo.
at captivate.veela_as3::rdClickHandler/MouseInPlaybar()
at captivate.veela_as3::rdClickHandler/CheckAllClicksDown()
at captivate.veela_as3::rdClickHandler/onMousePress()
If you have a combo list or list send in loop persistent
PPT Frame 1 has scripts
PPT Frame 1 has scripts
PPT Frame 1 has scripts
PPT Frame 1 has scripts
PPT Frame 1 has scripts
PPT Frame 1 has scripts
PPT Frame 1 has scripts
PPT Frame 1 has scripts
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