RJ, our eLearning evangelist, will be conducting
live eLearning session on ‘Getting started with the new features in Adobe Captivate 4’.
The session will provide you good working knowledge on the new features in Captivate 4 like Templates, Text-to-Speech, SWF Reviewer, Variables and Scripting, Widgets, TOC, Aggregator, new publish options, PSD import and more.
RJ’s sessions are always packed with information and very interactive; hence they also tend to get filled very early.
So if you’ve just purchased Captivate 4 or the Adobe eLearning Suite, or are testing out the trial, you should plan to attend this session.
To quote RJ: “…
no registration is required, but please keep in mind that my Connect Pro room only handles 400 people, so please log in as early as 30 minutes before the start time and the Virtual Classroom doors will close promptly at 10am PST to avoid distractions.”
When: Friday, March 6, 2009 at 10:00am – 12.00 Noon Pacific Time
Where: http://my.adobe.acrobat.com/adobelearningsolutions/
Login instructions: Please click the link above as early as 30 minutes before the start time, enter as Guest, type your Full Name and click Enter Room.
You can find more information on this session here.
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For those of you who missed this great session, RJ has recorded the same. You will find the recording here– http://my.adobe.acrobat.com/p10196282/You can also find highlights of the chat discussion in RJ’s blog– http://blogs.adobe.com/rjacquez/2009/03/adobe_captivate_4_new_features.htmlRegards,Shameer AyyappanAdobe Captivate | eLearning Suite
Captivate, the point product, has a Text-to-Speech feature… and does not support speech-to-text.But you could possibly achieve this by using the Adobe eLearning Suite. Which allows you to export all your Captivate project audio into Soundbooth; where you could make use of Soundbooth’s Speech-to-Text transcription engine to do this job.Regards,Shameer AyyappanAdobe Captivate and eLearning Suite
Hi,Are you going to be covering speech to text as well? Our personal experience here at work showed us how tedious it is to convert a presentation in WMA or MP3 format to notes. Any options in lieu of transcribing the old fashioned way would help :)). I’m sure your presentation’s going to intriguing.I look forward to seeing you online this Friday.Best,Sangeeta
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